Jason and Rachael had taken out a home loan to purchase a new home in 2007. At the time, they had selected a loan with a honeymoon period, to take advantage of a lower introductory rate. This reverted to the standard variable rate charged by their bank after 12 months.
In 2011, Jason and Rachael wondered if they were still getting the most competitive rate and the best loan features to meet their changing needs. The amount owed on their loan in 2011 was $580,000. They were planning to start a family, and Rachael’s income would not be coming in for approximately twelve months, and their current loan didn’t offer a ‘loan repayment holiday’ feature.
In meeting with an Energise Home Loans mortgage broker, Jason and Rachael agreed that their best option was to refinance to a different loan, that not only offered a ‘loan repayment holiday’ feature, but also charged 0.7% less interest than their existing loan.
By making this simple change, Jason and Rachael received the loan flexibility they needed for their current circumstances, and also saved $4,060 interest on their loan every year. This was equivalent to more than $95,200 over the remaining time left on their loan.
To refinance, Jason and Rachael followed this simple process:
Not bad to save $95,200!