Energise Home Loans and its staff, may collect relevant personal information about you in order to find a loan for you. The personal information is required to allow us to assist you in preparing the loan application, locating a lender, assess whether you will be eligible for a loan and the lender or manager of the loan managing your loan. If this information is not provided we may not be able to find an appropriate loan for you.
As part of our ongoing service, from time to time, Energise Home Loans may use your personal information for the purposes of providing you with offers or information of other goods or services that Energise Home Loans or another third party may be able to provide you with, unless you tell Energise Home Loans not to provide you with such offers or information.
Energise Home Loans may also collect your personal information for any purposes related to any of the above purposes and we may be required to collect this information to identify you under law.
Energise Home Loans may disclose your personal information to other organisations to fulfill the purposes set out above. The types of organisations to which Energise Home Loans may disclose your personal information include:
In addition, we may disclose your personal information to any other organisation that may wish to, or has acquired, an interest in your loan or in Energise Home Loans’ business.
You can gain access to the personal information Energise Home Loans holds about you by contacting us at:
Telephone: 0411 066 616
Postal Address: PO Box 140, Belrose NSW 2085